
Prenatal and Postpartum Massage, Pilates, and 

Prenatal Massage Therapy

Prenatal massage can greatly assist the body's transition throughout the pregnancy process.
Massage can move fluid out of stagnant areas and apply relief to over-active and stressed soft tissue as the body realigns itself to optimize healthy baby growth and prepare for the delivery process. Many of the discomforts and aches associated with pregnancy can be alleviated through massage which can be focused on specific areas or generalized to integrate a sense of well-being throughout the entire organism. Levin Pugsley has had 10 years of prenatal massage experience in addition to assisting his wife throughout her pre and postnatal process.

Postnatal Pilates

After the miracle of pregnancy and birth, the mother's body is often overlooked despite all the intensity of what it has gone through! This was Hannah's personal experience after the birth of her daughters, and she found herself drawn to working with mothers going through the process of recovering and reconnecting to their own strength and health. Pilates is especially helpful for dealing with many of the issues that occur with pregnancy and childbirth such as diastasis recti and pelvic floor issues. It is also profound for its way of reawakening the abdominals and other core postural muscles that have shifted, stretched out, and moved to accommodate for the beauty of creating new life. . 


Ortho-Bionomy® is a gentle form of somatic re-education that works with structural balance. Subtle but specific, it works with the nervous system to stimulate the self-corrective reflex. During and after pregnancy, Ortho-Bionomy can help ease tension in the joints, connective tissue, and muscles that are specifically stressed in pregnancy and labor. Hannah Kogan has been practicing Ortho-Bionomy since 2011 and has been particularly inspired to work with pre/post-natal clients after the birth of her first daughter in 2016.

  • Helps stabilize/align the pelvis to allow greater ease in labor
  • Helps relax fascia and muscles on abdomen to allow space for growing baby
  • Addresses rib and spinal tension
  • Relaxing to the nervous system
  • Safe for baby and mama
  • Helps pelvis and organs find their way back into proper alignment after so much shifting for both pregnancy and labor (which in turn can help with issues like pelvic floor dysfunction and prolapse)
  • Gently addresses C-section scar tissue
  • Works with spine, ribs and overall structure and posture to address pain and muscular imbalances
  • Facilitates healing from diastasis recti and other over-stretched ligament tissue

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