BIG NEWS! We closed our Vashon Island, WA location and have relocated to St. Augustine, FL.

Restorative & Healing Pilates, Massage, & Ortho-Bionomy®.

At Studio Lux we help you Illuminate Your Potential.
We have extensive experience working with people dealing with injuries, pain, and illness. You will be safe and cared for here. 

Reviews for Studio Lux

"Levin has been my massage therapist for 7 years. He has assisted me through severe sciatic pain and a car accident. He is a master at what he does. I live a different life because of Levin’s healing hands and knowledge.
5 / 5
"Careful attentive instruction is keeping my 75 year old body flexible and strong. Highly recommend!"
5 / 5
Effective and Gentle "Unlike other treatment methods that rely on large ranges of motion or brute force, Ortho-bionomy® works with extremely subtle but precisely targeted ways based on the body's own intimate physiological connections. After a couple weeks of sessions, the hip pain I'd had for several years was simply gone.." -MiAe L.
5 / 5

Studio Lux

We help you Illuminate Your Potential.
Lux: a unit of illumination, from Latin, literally ‘light’. As a verb: illuminate, brighten, cast light on, set alight, kindle, ignite, spark.
About Us

Ortho-Bionomy® is a registered trademark of the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International, Inc. and is used with permission.

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